When it comes to suffering with digestive problems – I have to say I’ve been through it all!
- Bloating
- Cramping
- Acid Reflux and Heartburn
- Severe pain
- Sensitivity to so many foods I wondered if there were any foods left that wouldn’t bother me
- Inability to sleep
- Excess belly fat even when I ate well and worked out like a maniac
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
After nearly 20-years of suffering, doctor after doctor probing, pushing and guessing at every conceivable reason why – I finally found a naturopathic doctor that found the multiple sources leading to the issues. Over a 6-month period of time (after which I started to feel better within weeks), here were the main issues:
1. Yeast/Canadida overgrowth. While it’s normal to have candida at a low level as part of the overall complex makeup of your gut, that same complex system is very susceptible to imbalance – too much sugar, antibiotic exposure, viruses, refined diets, etc… can all throw the gut chemistry off resulting in excess candida which, in-turn, keeps the imbalance in place. Many people live with this for years without ever knowing the true cause, suffering in silence with the symptoms outlined above – plus many others as their entire systems become compromised
2. Parasitic infections. Less common than yeast/candida overgrowth, yet still far more common than many people would ever fathom are parasitic infections that may come from any number of sources including visits to third-world countries (or even places with different parasites than you’re system is used to dealing with), from pets or even kids – just as your kids bring home colds and flu’s, they also bring home a host of parasites – yeah! What is especially interesting here is that a “normally” operating body can deal with parasites – kill them off and excrete them, but if you are already compromised with candida, heavy metal build-up, weakened immune system, etc.. then they will stick around and you can live with them for years without ever knowing.
3. Heavy-metal. For years, through university, I worked in a building supply store and over that time touched and breathed all kinds of chemicals from glues and adhesives to synthetic carpets to insulation – any chemical known to mankind – I was involved with it as part of my daily job. Many others are in the same situation – think about what is around you in your work, home or even sporting environment (golfers – do you think the grass is naturally that green 🙂 A build-up of heavy metals such as arsenic is toxic to your system, throws it completely off allowing parasites and yeast/canadida to thrive, suppresses your immune system and causes several brain malfunctions from reduced memory function to inefficiencies in motor and emotional areas of your brain. Even worse, once compromised, heavy metals will stay in your system for LIFE unless you specifically target cleansing your system of them.
4. Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis… Severe inflammation in your gut, severe food allergies and sensitivities and severe digestive reactions such as cramping, diarrhea, nausea and constipation are associated with these conditions. While it is highly likely that #1-3 end up causing (or at least escalating) these conditions – until the full understanding of what caueses these conditions is known, they stand alone as conditions that you must be aware of and treat
Probiotics like these have been shown to be a critical, daily, life-altering way to maintain a healthy gut in the face of these very real threats we face each day of our life.
Probiotics can both prevent these dangerous, painful digestive problems from manifesting themselves in the first place – they can also help to bring your gut back into balance when one or more of these conditions is already present.
If you have digestive issues, you MUST not let them go unchecked.
There are ways to treat each of these conditions – starting with daily probiotics and finding a reputable naturopathic doctor in your area.