Category Archives: acidophilus

Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Capsules) Review

Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.4 out of 5 stars
4.4 out of 5 stars

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You may have heard about the value probiotics can bring to the harmony that must exist in your gut to remain healthy. I discovered this early in my life when I suffered from severe acid reflux, bloating, gas, constipation and overall, a horrible digestive system. With Acidophilus Pearls we literally changed our life in a matter of 2-3 days. You can do the same.

The specs of ‘Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Capsules)’ are:

  • Manufacturer: Enzymatic
  • Product Dimensions: 4.4×3.1×1.6 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 0.1 pounds

Here are some REAL customer reviews:

“These really will normalize your digestion/bathroom habits”

If you are experiencing some chronic intestinal-related discomfort, I recommend giving these Acidophilus Pearls a try. It’s the same concept as that Dannon Activia yogurt but way more useful, because people with tummy trouble often have lactose/dairy…Read more

“Formula Appears to Have Changed – Milk Residue??”

Update to original review from 9/20/08:I used these pearls for several years with great results, but that has changed. (Please see my additional followup below)First let me say that I know what Acidophilus is. But there is no…Read more

“If You’ve Just Finished a Round of Antibiotics, You NEED These”

These acidophilus pearls are easy to store, pack, and take. If you’ve recently taken a round of antibiotics, you NEED to take acidophilus in some form to re-establish these friendly bacteria in your bowels. Do a Google search to find out why in detail…Read more

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If you suffer with digestive problems that are causing you constant discomfort, sleepless nights and make you give up most of the foods you like, give Acidophilus a try – you will notice a difference.

Get Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Capsules) at the best price available today.