Another Study Shows Positive Impact Of Probiotics On The Gut

Incredible efforts are underway to study the impact of probiotics on human health.

Naturopathic doctors and some traditionally trained doctors have been touting the benefits of probiotics in our gut for years now, but the science is just now catching up with immense interest in this field.

There is urgency given the rise in various inflammatory diseases and life-challenging infections such as sepsis, irritable bowel syndrome, and systemic candida overgrowth at the same time as antibiotics are becoming less effective as these conditions are able to “learn” and evolve beyond the antibiotics we use today.

This recent study conducted in India received great attention because of both the size and nature of the study.

The findings were:

  1. Most probiotics produced in the past have not been a good fit for our digestive system – they either missed the mark in terms of the strain OR they were packaged in a way such that they passed through our systems too quickly and thus did not have time to colonize and become an integral part of our gut biochemistry
  2. When we DO get the correct strain and it is able to colonize the results are rather stunning involving dramatic reductions in the incidence of sepsis (in some cases developed in the gut of newborn babies) noticeable with only one week’s dose!
  3. In addition, other health advantages were found including reduced incidence of pneumonia, reduced infections and overall better digestion in these newborns


There is clear enough science and endorsements out there for adopting a daily dose of high-quality, multi-strain probiotic like this Pro50 (containing large #’s of live organisms from 13 strains improving your chances of populating a strain critical to your gut health and overall well being)

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